Be the Legacy
A celebration of hope and human creativity
Commemorating the Nelson Mandela centenary
Africa Forum 2018 | 13 September | 4 pm to 6:45 pm (followed by reception and music)
2018 marks the centenary of President Nelson Mandela’s birth, one of Africa’s greatest leaders. His life and work stand not only for the resilience of the South African people, but also for the deeper significance Africa’s experience has to the whole world.
Colonialism and racial discrimination were not simply crimes against Africans. They were grave violations of the values and principles by which mankind wishes to be judged. In fighting to end colonialism and racial discrimination, South Africans appealed to higher human values and placed a mirror in front of the world so that it could see itself when bigotry and hatred are allowed to flourish. With his commitment to reconciliation and forgiveness, President Nelson Mandela reminded us all that we are one big family founded on values that transcend local cultures and particular interests.
The Embassy of the Republic of South Africa and the Centre for African Studies of the University of Basel wish to celebrate the hope and human creativity represented by President Nelson Mandela’s political legacy together with you. We would like to bring together scholars with a broader Swiss public to reflect on the meaning of the struggle for freedom and human dignity in South Africa and the lessons to be learned for Swiss and European debates.
Ambassador Ms. Sankie Mthembi-Mahanyele
Head of Misson, South African Embassy to Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Elísio Macamo
Director, Centre for African Studies Basel